Monday, February 17, 2014

To My Summer Love: The Boy With The Dog Tags

The night that we first met was something out of a fairy-tale. Not anything Disney worthy, but for me, it was magical. I never thought that what we had would grow to be so strong so quickly. The pace at which our relationship progressed was too much for my fifteen year old psyche to handle, so I terminated the relationship, cut off all ties, and told myself that I would find another you once I was mature enough to be apart of a serious relationship. Now here I am, sitting in my apartment alone, wondering what might have been. You've since moved on. You stopped thinking about me when I stopped answering your phone calls. Now you're 6,000 miles away, doing what you'd always dreamed of doing, and I'm left wondering. Do I ever cross your mind? When you see a movie, do you ever think of that June night when we unknowingly sat next to each other in the theater? I hope you do. I hope you remember the first conversation we had, like I do. I hope you remember the late-night calls when it was too hot to sleep. I hope you remember our summer love, and I hope, I pray, that you don't regret a second of it.

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